
A short film explain­ing some of the ideas behind our and Smekab Citylife’s soon-to-be-launched out­door fur­ni­ture “Filt” can be seen here: Smek­abc­itylife



Blank was invit­ed to give a lec­ture at the Roy­al Acad­e­my of Fine Arts arranged by the Stock­holm Archi­tec­t’s Asso­ci­a­tion. The lec­ture about our work is titled Förtydliganden/Clarifications and a link to the record­ed lec­ture can be found at  here


The first stage of our ren­o­va­tion of Neb­u­losan, a rental prop­er­ty next to Vas­aparken in Stock­holm, is close to com­ple­tion! Work is still resum­ing on the restora­tion of Astrid Lind­gren’s flat/museum.
We’ve been respon­si­ble for the design of new bath­rooms and kitchens, new pat­terned tile floors and ren­o­va­tion of exist­ing 130-year-old wood­en floors.
The project is marked by its atten­tion to detail and a craft­man­ship that is sel­dom seen in the ren­o­va­tion of rental apartments.


Build­ing per­mit “Arch­i­pel­ago Hous­es” for a new set of build­ings in the arch­i­pel­ago out­side Stock­holm has been approved! The project con­sists of a set of exten­sions to an exist­ing house: a roof-top exten­sion, a pool house, a guest house and a carport.


We are help­ing Rebec­ca and Tim with the remod­el­ing and exten­sion of their 1930s vil­la in Lillängen.
Build­ing per­mis­sion has been granted


Malin Zimm is writ­ing about Filt in the lat­est issue of Arkitek­tur under the label “Caus­ing a Scene”

“After Blank’s small plat­form “Filt” was placed in Lungviksparken in Örn­sköldsvik, behind the mini golf course, ques­tions poured in to the munic­i­pal­i­ty. What is that? The answer from the munic­i­pal­i­ty’s land­scape archi­tect was that it becomes what you make it: be cre­ative! Soon anoth­er one was installed. “Filt” is an out­door piece of fur­ni­ture pro­duced by Smekab, which dis­tin­guish­es it from the site-built pavil­ions in this survey.”

Read the entire arti­cle: Arkitek­tur



Build­ing per­mis­sion has been grant­ed for our ren­o­va­tion and addi­tion to a func­tion­al vil­la in Edsviken. The work con­tin­ues dur­ing the autumn.


Vi välkom­nar Char­lie Tom­lin­son till Blank! Char­lie har tidi­gare arbe­tat hos West Archi­tec­ture i Lon­don och är utbil­dad vid Kingston School of Art och Lon­don Met­ro­pol­i­tan University.


Filt is final­ly in pro­duc­tion and the first copies have been ordered for lat­er on in the spring! We’re look­ing for­ward to see­ing it improv­ing our pub­lic spaces in the com­ing years!


Malin Zimm is writ­ing about Filt in the lat­est issue of Arkitek­tur under the label “Caus­ing a Scene”

“After Blank’s small plat­form “Filt” was placed in Lungviksparken in Örn­sköldsvik, behind the mini golf course, ques­tions poured in to the munic­i­pal­i­ty. What is that? The answer from the munic­i­pal­i­ty’s land­scape archi­tect was that it becomes what you make it: be cre­ative! Soon anoth­er one was installed. “Filt” is an out­door piece of fur­ni­ture pro­duced by Smekab, which dis­tin­guish­es it from the site-built pavil­ions in this survey.”

Read the entire arti­cle: Arkitek­tur



We are help­ing Rebec­ca and Tim with the remod­el­ing and exten­sion of their 1930s vil­la in Lillängen.
Build­ing per­mis­sion has been granted


Build­ing per­mit “Arch­i­pel­ago Hous­es” for a new set of build­ings in the arch­i­pel­ago out­side Stock­holm has been approved! The project con­sists of a set of exten­sions to an exist­ing house: a roof-top exten­sion, a pool house, a guest house and a carport.