Exten­tions, pool­house, guest house
Vär­mdö, Stockholm

The site is char­ac­ter­ized by its inner arch­i­pel­ago loca­tion, soft gran­ite cliffs rolling down towards the water in the south, Scots pine trees and low veg­e­ta­tion in a thin lay­er of soil. The plot hous­es a recent­ly built house, an elon­gat­ed box open towards the south­ern view, clad in black paint­ed wood­en pan­el­ing and a flat roof clad with black roof­ing felt. Our pro­pos­al con­sists of four parts: a rooftop exten­sion to the exist­ing house, a pool house, a guest house and a carport.

The rooftop exten­sion is car­ried out in a light steel and wood con­struc­tion, clad in stand­ing seam zinc sheets. Its open towards the sea view in the south through big fixed win­dows and slid­ing door in alu­mini­um. The plan is a sim­ple divi­sion into three rec­tan­gles, one is a com­mon room, one a bed­room and walk-in clos­et and one a bath­room. To reach rooftop a new free­stand­ing toplit stair­well clad in light grey brick is added to the south façade.

On eighter side of the main house is the pool house and the guest house. The pool house is pushed up against the gran­ite rock west of the main house. It is clad in the same brick as the new stair well, a light grey brick fit­ting well in tone with the sur­round­ing gran­ite. Big slid­ing doors open up to the view and to a new stone ter­race tying the hous­es togeth­er. Bi cir­cu­lar roof win­dows light the back areas of the pool house.

East of the main house is a new guest house clad in the same black paint­ed wood­en pan­el­ing. The car­port is a wood and glue­lam struc­ture tied togeth­er via met­al wires. The project also con­sists of a reimag­i­na­tion of the sites land­scape and new fences and gates.